
  • Why You Need to Activate All Your Senses to Look after a Heavy Duty Truck

    If you have a delivery service and need to carry lots of goods on a daily basis, you may have invested in a heavy-duty truck. This will be the workhorse of your business, and you must ensure that it is always in tip-top condition and ready to bring in the money without fail. This means you must be alert when behind the wheel and spot the early signs of a problem before they manifest into something much larger.
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  • Can You Re-Gas Your Car's Air Conditioning Yourself?

    When it comes to anything mechanical, the more you use it, the faster it wears out. Therefore, it's likely unsurprising that your car's air conditioning system should need some care and attention from time to time, given how much you use it throughout the year. Yet is this something that you can do yourself, or is it best left to the professionals? What's Involved A vehicle air conditioning system is quite a complicated contraption.
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  • Can You Tell When Your Car Oil Cooler Malfunctions? 3 Signs to Watch Out For

    Your vehicle's engine cannot function without oil because it has moving parts that always need lubrication to work. However, during the lubrication process, the engine oil picks up a lot of heat that can damage other parts of the car unless proper cooling happens. The oil cooler helps bring down the temperatures of the oil so it can keep functioning without damaging the engine components. However, with time and the usual wear and tear, the oil cooler could start malfunctioning.
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  • How to Ensure That Your Truck's Air Suspension System Works Well

    Today, many heavy-duty trucks feature an air suspension system, as it is often felt to be one of the most effective and efficient setups for functional and safe operation. Yet, these systems can be, by their very nature, complex, and you need to keep an eye on many of the component parts to ensure that they are always in first-class condition. If you're unfamiliar with the system, what do you need to bear in mind?
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  • What Are the Signs That Your Car's Electrical System Needs Expert Car Services? Find Out

    Any issue with your cars' electrical system is a safety hazard. Luckily, these issues are easy to detect. For instance, you'll quickly know that all is not well with the electrical system when the stereo, lights or electric windows stop working. In some cases, the car can refuse to start. Many times, electrical faults result from burnt fuses, faulty connectors or bad wiring in the circuits. Below are several indicators that your vehicle's electrical system needs the attention of an expert car service specialist:
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  • Three Things To Look For When Getting Your Log Book Service Done

    Log book service is an essential part of any new car's upkeep, and it's something that thousands of Australians go and do each week. However, not all log book services are the same, with some offering far better benefits to you than others. It is also important to ensure you get the right service, which many new car owners who have bought a vehicle for the first time do not quite grasp.
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  • Car Care: 3 Common Causes Of Clutch Failure

    The clutch is a hardworking component in manual transmission cars and can wear out and fail for a number of reasons. The clutch plays a vital role in helping you maintain control of your car and connects the wheel shaft to the shaft extending from the engine. It consists of three main parts (the flywheel, pressure plate and disc), and it's often more economical to have the whole clutch replaced when one part of it fails.
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  • Why Automatic Transmission Fluid Is Quite Special

    Most car owners today take advantage of an automatic transmission system to make life behind the wheel a lot easier. They may have previously owned a manual car or truck and know that the gearbox fitted to their new vehicle is completely different but, like everything else mechanical, will need care and attention. Yet why is the automatic transmission very different from the manual when it comes to upkeep and servicing?
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  • How Panel Beaters Deal with Ever More Complex Bodywork

    As car manufacturers become more ambitious and go after increased market share, so they are producing vehicles that feature undulating bodywork. They want to make these cars as aesthetically pleasing as possible, ensure that they are aerodynamically efficient and look different from the competition. This is all well and good until the vehicle is involved in a crash, and then the job of the panel beater becomes a lot more challenging.
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  • 3 Common Car Radiator Repair Issues

    A faulty radiator system might lead to extensive and expensive damages to a car's engine if not addressed in good time. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor and repair radiator issues immediately. That said, car owners must understand that professional mechanics attend to a plethora of radiator issues; however, some malfunctions are common than others. Notably, this information can help you to check a radiator for a breakdown. This article highlights common car radiator issues that mechanics repair
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