• Could Pressurised Fluid Pose a Challenge for Your Automatic Transmission?

    An automatic transmission is a masterpiece of engineering and makes it easy to drive your car or truck without much effort. As you may know, a particular type of lubricant is required to deal with friction and ensure that the mechanical parts can turn effectively, but the lubricant itself must be pumped under pressure. Due to this activity, problems can arise when it comes to regular service, and you may need to take extra steps to protect your vehicle.
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  • What Should You Do If Your Car Veers to One Side Under Braking?

    When you stand on the brakes while you are driving, you expect the car to slow down in a straight line. After all, anything else could cause a major issue, and you could easily run into another vehicle or something else while trying to regain control. So if this is something that you have recently experienced, you will certainly want to get to the bottom of it. What could have caused this type of problem, and what should you do next?
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  • How Can You Look After Your Car Battery, So It Looks After You?

    Nobody thinks about their car battery until they cannot start the vehicle when they're late for a meeting. Yet the typical battery will be more reliable when its owner pays more attention to its welfare and makes sure that they keep up with scheduled maintenance. If you've been sidelined by a recalcitrant battery in recent times and want to avoid such a situation in the future, what can you do to look after this crucial component more effectively?
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  • Essential Car Maintenance Tasks You Can Perform Yourself

    If you are a car owner, you should keep in mind that undertaking preventative maintenance on your car is a crucial thing. Preventative vehicle maintenance helps keep your car running smoothly, thus avoiding major problems that can lead to costly repair bills down the line.  While you can minimise vehicle downtime by getting your car serviced according to the various time or mileage intervals recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, there are things you can do to keep the car in tiptop running condition between car services.
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